The seven month itch
Who would have thought that as little as seven months ago, life as we had known it would change arguably forever……Seven months, a relative drop in the ocean in our lives but a period of time which has, for many, challenged and redefined the very essence of our being.
I’m not going to go on to talk about the new normal, or how unprecedented this year has been, as it is this narrative which I believe is unhelpful as we all struggle to adapt and absorb what has, and continues, to happen around us.
I am struck on a daily basis as to how much this situation has undermined all that we knew, believed in, relied on and perhaps even took for granted. Freedom, security, our health and our loved ones - these have been dramatically thrown into the spotlight and forced us to consider what is important to us at often a deep level.
I for one, have learnt some pretty vital lessons over the past few months, both personally and professionally. I always pride myself on my pragmatism and optimism, as they’ve stood me in good stead for most of my life. But forced to reflect, there are definite cracks starting to show. Facing this, I have been thinking about what it is that motivates and drives me as I feel like I need a reboot.
I am 100% goal driven; I love a challenge but it needs to have a point or a goal. This is why I love agendas for meetings and a to-do list (yes I strike things off with glee). This is also why I am fiercely competitive, even when bowling with my 7 year old….
I over-invest emotionally in all aspects of my life; caring too much can sometimes be a bad thing right? When you care, you do a better job or be a better person, simple.
I put 150% in and expect the same from others; when I don’t get that I get frustrated and annoyed with people. I tell myself, don’t judge people by your own standards but that’s tough for me. Why be half arsed when you can knock it out of the park?
Being the best version of myself is a must; I challenge and question myself more than anyone could ever do, but that makes me constantly improve and focus on making small changes to keep moving in the right direction.
Some say I have no filter, I say I just speak my mind - with confidence and commitment.
That all being said, I’ve actually not forgotten any of these, perhaps misplaced them for a time .
As we approach the 7th month of this, I think I am getting myself somewhat overwhelmed or perhaps just fatigued with the rhetoric, the fear and the uncertainty. I don’t want normal back, I just want to find positives in the darkness to look forward, to plan, to dream and to enjoy all the things which bring me joy and keep me going. Surely that’s not too much to ask… it?